The end is the American hegemony now in the Middle East ...

Maritime patrol government bill in the Middle East of the contingency

The end is the American hegemony now in the Middle East ... Maritime security action in the Middle East of the contingency Government plan, protection if the Japanese on board Government is the day, the Liberal Democratic Party, presented a summary draft of the plan for the Middle East dispatch of Maritime Self-Defense Force in the New Komeito two parties each of relationship Group. If an unexpected situation occurs, stipulates that assumes the issuance of maritime security actions that it is possible to weapons use. Foreign ships to boarding other Japanese Japan Flag also was guarded. Toward the Cabinet decision of 0 days, to full-scale ruling party of the approval process. New Komeito was no clear opposition from both parties. Just based on the destabilization of the situation in the Middle East, in the Liberal Democratic Party meeting [Iran of whether you understand the dispatch plan] came out the question with. In the New Komeito associated with [should separate the dispatch period] [whether quit the dispatch at the time of the kind of situation], dispatch period there were numerous concerns to be prolonged
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