The end is the American hegemony now in the Middle East ...

Iran president, day to visit Japan

The end is the American hegemony now in the Middle East ... Iran president, day to Japan = Prime Minister Abe and the situation in the Middle East talks 0 Dec 0 Rouhani President of Iran has been found that it has entered into the final adjustment in the direction to visit Japan in the day. Met with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also on the same day, discussions towards a detente in the Middle East. Prime Minister describes the Middle East dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces to become a cabinet decision of 0 days, I hope to gain the understanding. Japan and Iran both government muscle 0 days, was revealed. Japan of Iranian leaders, since President Khatami of 000 years in October (at the time), the first time in about a year. Rouhani nurses is expected to stay up to 0 days. Prime Minister to visit Iran in the month, meeting with supreme leader of Khamenei, et al. Trump US President in New York in the month, such as to meet one after another and Rouhani nurses, are striving to bridge the United States and Iran. Stated Prime Minister at a press conference of the day, the visit to Japan of Rouhani nurses [currently under adjustment] and.
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