The end is the American hegemony now in the Middle East ...

The situation in the Middle East, the US rate cut

The end is the American hegemony now in the Middle East ... The situation in the Middle East, moving every US rate cut ...... Date [cat's eye] market carefully to both the University stance (FX University tournament) Dollar yen exchange rate is restless. When the increase of geopolitical risk in the deterioration of the situation in the Middle East, the dollar yen exchange rate, but fell to $ = $ 0.00 Qian, was rose to $ 0.00 Qian intensified dollar buying when the Tokyo market opens to zero date. To date, the Federal Open Market Commission (FOMC) announced a rate cut. However, it becomes the dominant US dollar-buying and it can be seen that the prudent to additional interest rate cuts, rose to $ 0.00 Qian. In the next day the Bank of Japan Monetary Policy Meeting, fell to $ = $ 0.00 Qian by expectations for further easing has faded. However, it returned immediately value to around $ 0.00. In rapidly moving market, Waseda University mood [dollar] even unstable elements are many cautious stance. Meiji University, postponed the transaction. Keio University is, as long as this remains decline continues, and [want to enter a short waiting for dips], gird.
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